Thursday, October 25, 2012

Getting Crunk for Christ

Hey folks,

Hope everyone is preparing for an awesome weekend. Down here in Miami we're preparing for an awesome three day weekend (thanks Fall Break) full of rain and wind due to Hurricane Sandy. Considering a Hurricane is going to hit us, it'll probably be an extremely uneventful three days.

This is quite unlike last weekend. I meant to blog about this earlier in the week, but, you know, whatever. As I referenced in my last post it was homecoming week for us, which meant an FSU home game and a concert, which just happened to be one of my favorite rappers, Lupe Fiasco. I also had the pleasure of seeing the Christian rapper Lecrae down at the Fillmore in South Beach, so it was a crazy three days of fun and aching knees (I think I stood up more than I sat down from Friday to Sunday). 

I could talk about how fun Lupe was and how horrible the FSU game happened to be (don't ask about it), but I would bore you quickly. I try to make this blog as less about me as possible. What really captivated me, however, was seeing a few thousand Miamians of literally every culture and social status pack into a trendy South Beach venue to worship God in seeing Lecrae perform live. If y'all don't know who Lecrae is, he is one of the most popular Christian rappers in the game today; he's been featured by XXL Magazine in a article of the 40 best budding or indie rappers (Christian or not--Mac Miller was on the list) and his latest album, Gravity, has sold over 100,000 units since its release on September 4th. Basically he's becoming a big deal in all rap circles.

I had never been to a Christian concert before. I have to admit when I used to think about these events I pictured a bunch of people with both palms in the air speaking in tongues or something. I think these things get a bad rap to tell you the truth. Most people (even Christians...actually, mostly Christians) see people worship, whether in church or at a concert, with their hands or bodies and laugh (or at least smirk fairly noticeably). I dunno, maybe they picture that scene for Borat or something (which regrettably is no longer on YouTube. All I could find is a picture). 

The truth is raising your hands towards God while singing is just as natural as folding your hands together while praying or putting up Longhorn fingers while at an AC/DC concert. Funny thing is, most of our society doesn't find these things weird or funny.

What amazed me about Lecrae's concert was it wasn't about him. He's a popular guy, and his music is actually very good. I was expecting jumping up and down and singing all of his songs like I did at Fiasco's concert. Rather, in-between songs instead of a bunch of high University of Miami students chanting "LUPE LUPE" or some variation of "F*** THE SEMINOLES!"  the crowd would "merely" chant "Jesus! Jesus!" 

What an amazing, selfless concept. Not only did Lecrae not bring any attention to himself (actually, his five opening acts had just as much stage time as he did) but his crowd and fans (and they were killer fans, trust me) didn't either. Everyone was there for one reason--to shout and praise the One who brought them all there. 

Now I don't mean to Jesus Juke you folks...but why is it OK for us to scream and shout for our favorite football team, musical artist, or Justin Bieber but it is somewhat socially taboo to give some vocal chord props to the Big Guy Upstairs? To tell you the truth I was more inspired not by the fact that there were thousands of Christians in Miami at a Lecrae concert (wooooaaaahhhhh) but that those thousands of folks were getting LOUD for God. 

If I had some advice for y'all, it's to get yourself to a Lecrae concert. Or to Toby Mac or Hillsong U or Crowder or another Christian artist. The crowd atmosphere is just as good, if not better, than at a Jay-Z, Coldplay, or Aerosmith concert (all of which I've gone to). No joke. 

Have y'all ever been to a worship concert? Seen Lecrae live? Share your stories below. Am I crazy? I hope not.

Love y'all,


P.S. As always, subscribe to my blog on the right hand side of your screen either by email or by an atom feed. Share this post with a friend (or all of them)! Y'all are the best, as usual, for checking out what's going on with me and Miami and God and all that good stuff. I wish I could express my appreciation more! Peace

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